Our services


Raising More Money

You’re moving forward. Onwards and upwards. Expansion. Major project perhaps. Building maybe. Looking for real money. Need help. You’ve got a bit of time. You’ve come to the right place. You’re under pressure. You need to raise more money. We can help. Let’s talk.


Build Better Boards

Is your Board driving you crazy?  Whether you are a Board member, an executive director or a fundraising manager know that you are not alone. As a matter of fact, you are probably among the majority.  And we’ve been there. We can help.  We’re focussed solutions and success for all involved. Let’s talk


Leadership Development

There are three primary issues facing the NGO/Charitable Sector:  Sustainability, Accountability, and Leadership.  When we address leadership we address all three. We are ready to work with you to address your leadership issues. Let’s talk.


Organizational Development

Rowing together, in the same direction, at the same time, with the same purpose, and with a goal in mind, is what results in raising more money. Leaders create alignment and set direction. For upwards of 25 years our consultants have worked with Boards, CEOs, EDs and Fundraisers to make it happen through effective strategic planning. Let’s talk.